Be a part of our future Opus.

Sometimes an idea comes along that’s so elegant in its simplicity, it’s hard to believe it hasn’t been tried before. With 2Life’s history of creating engaging, affordable communities in areas where there are easily available activities and services, Opus — an affordable alternative in senior living — is a continuation of our overall vision.

Did you know that by 2029 54% of older adults nationwide will be “in the middle” meaning they’ll be unable to afford housing and care in a community setting . That’s because there will be more older adults who’ll have lower overall savings, fewer pensions and more home equity loans. Demographics are also pointing to more people who are widowed, divorced, never married and with children far away or no children, and there will be fewer formal caregivers in the workforce to provide needed assistance with daily activities. To help meet the needs of those “in the middle,” our new Opus vision will offer:
  • Moderately sized apartments with nice finishes
  • Flexible community spaces, cafe and community partnerships
  • Resident-driven programs and volunteerism
  • Need care that comes to a resident’s apartment
  • Flexible and creative culinary programs

As we search for more and new ways to support the efforts of older adults in embracing lifelong learning and growth, we’re always looking to forge partnerships with other like-minded organizations who share in our mission.

To learn more about Opus senior living and how you can become a part of our innovative idea, use the form on this page.

grandma and grandchild at a greenhouse together

Get to know Opus Newton.

Learn more about our first senior living community.
couple embracing and smiling

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